Harness the power of mental skills to cultivate elite athletes who achieve high performance
One of the more frequent challenges faced by all athletes is how to improve their performance. They express frustrations that they often possess identical – if not superior—physical attributes to their competitors, yet they’re consistently being out performed by that competitor. In many cases, the problem is rooted in self-doubt, which limits their levels of performance. Using hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), the client will learn how to identify and accept self-doubt. Once this is achieved, the client can stop dwelling on past failures and other negative feelings and images through hypnosis techniques, positive imagery, and concentration-focusing skills.
Whether the athlete feels held back by physical fear or by negative comments from competitors, trainers or officials/judges or by performance anxiety, the Winning Edge Sports Training Top Athletic Development Class will help the hypnotist to help their clients’ replace a “losing” mentality with the winning edge.
The Winning Edge Sports Training Top Athletic Development Class will allow you to expand your practice to include athletes of all levels of expertise, from children to professionals. If you are already working with athletes, this class will give you proven new and innovative ways of helping your clients achieve a winning mentality! What you will learn will allow you to work with a wide variety of athletes, as all of the principles cross boundaries - from team sports to individual sports, and at all levels of proficiency.
Every athlete is looking to recreate those moments of flow and being in the zone, where their every movement is efficient and effective. Everything they think and do moves them closer to their goals for their athletic performance, or further away. No matter what sport your client is pursuing – skiing, running, lacrosse, volleyball, football, cheering, swimming, soccer, golf, billiards, and more – you can work with them to learn what actions they can take to improve the probability that they’ll spend more time in the zone and less time berating themselves and throwing their club (or bat, racket, etc.).
This comprehensive class will give you crucial and valuable processes to use with your clients - from how to ask the right questions to get to the root of the issue to the valuable hypnotic and NLP techniques that get results. Learn the six (6) universal keys to dealing with All sports enhancement, and lift the limitations of your outreach. The bonus business tools included in this course will help you expand your practice into the lucrative field of sports hypnosis. Work with All athletes and achieve more success, both in your practice and with your clients.